Banca Dati 'Giulio Rospigliosi' indice




      Kate Brown studied English at Oxford and Music in Austria before becoming a director. She has worked with most of the major British opera companies, and in Europe she has worked in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Spain.

      She has made a special study of the performance theory and practice of early opera, but also directs the work of contemporary composers, including Eddie Maguire's The Loving of Etain for the Paragon Ensemble in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and G. P. Cribari's Las Escondidas at the Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow.

      Since 1990 she has worked extensively in Scotland, directing Rameau's Castor et Pollux for Edinburgh University Opera, Händel's Rodelinda at Hopetoun House, and many projects for the Scottish Early Music Consort, including the modern world premieres of two 17th century Roman operas: La Vita Humana [scheda] and La Baltasara [scheda]. In 1994 she directed The Indian Queen by Dryden and Purcell at the Citizens Theatre in Glasgow, and in 1997 La Didone by Cavalli at Glasgow's Tramway, in a co-production between the Glasgow International Early Music Festival and the Fundacion Olivar de Castillejo, Madrid.

      As well as various educational projects, she has devised, scripted and directed many smaller scale touring shows for SEMC, which seek to present early music in an innovative theatrical framework, including Kentigern at Easter (medieval Easter dramas); Scenes of Love and War (based on music by Monteverdi); Celebrating Mr Purcell (for the 1995 Purcell tercentenary), Lady Hamilton's Attitudes (based on music by Haydn performed by Emma Hamilton), and Celtic Voyages, which wove together medieval, traditional, and contemporary dance and music from Celtic sources, created on Mull and performed there, at the Celtic Connections festival in Glasgow, in Stornoway, on Iona and Benbecula, and in San Maurizio, Milan, for the British Council's Scotsfest and Musica e Poesia a San Maurizio. The most recent of these shows is A Conversation with Angels, based on the music and writing of the twelfth century visionary abbess, Hildegard of Bingen. This programme was seen again in November 1998 as part of the St Cecilia Tide International Festival of Music in Stationers' Hall, London.

      Since making her debut in Germany with Händel's Flavio in Halle, she has also directed Händel's Riccardo primo for Göttingen, with conductor Nicholas McGegan. In 1996 she made her Spanish debut with more Händel: Acis and Galatea for the Almagro Festival, and continued in Germany with Der Freischütz for the Zwingenberg Schlossfestspiele. Future plans include Rigoletto for Holland Park Opera, and Tobias and the Angel, a new opera by Jonathan Dove for the Almeida in 1999 and Birmingham in 2000.

January 1999

